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ATM machine

We provide lighting and safety evaluations for ATM machines at banks and credit unions all across the State of Texas.


Our comprehensive reports take into consideration the following required elements per

Texas Finance Code Section 59.308:

  • Lighting measurements

  • Obstructions

  • Incidence of violent crime

Our reports also include recommendations to improve lighting in areas that are deficient and site photographs.​


Frequently Asked Questions

An ATM under a spotlight

What is an ATM Lighting Evaluation?

An evaluation consists of lighting samples taken within the access area (50 feet) of an ATM to determine if the ambient light meets state standards. Our evaluation includes photographs, notes of any obstructions such as trees or landscaping (potential hiding places for predators,) and crime statistics from local law enforcement for the past 12 months.

How often does my bank need an evaluation?

The industry standard for bank evaluations is annually.

Why does my bank need an evaluation?

Monetary fines may be assessed if your bank is not in compliance with the Texas Finance Code. Additionally, a well-lit area attracts customers and makes them feel safe. Bright lighting also deters thieves from stealing the machines.

An evaluation done by a professional, unbiased third party will present no conflict of interest for a bank if the bank is sued.

How much does an evaluation cost?

Prices start at $250, with discounts on additional ATMs at the same site. Please contact us for a quote!

An unsafe ATM with a robber higing in the dark

Contact Us

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© 2023 ATM Safety Experts, LLC. All rights reserved.

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